Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Truth about Solar Power and Residential Homes

Solar power is one of the cleanest ways to produce energy. The solar panels simply convert the energy of the sun into the energy we can use – with no negative impact on the environment and no production of harmful byproducts. When used for residential purposes, solar power can provide hot water, warm pools, and overall heating. We can also get energy for cooking. Though installation of solar power equipment for residential purposes requires a bit of investment, it pays back over a short period of time.

The benefit of solar power systems is that they can be installed to complement the conventional power systems we have in our homes. During the times of extreme heat or cold, the solar power heating and cooling systems can be supplemented with the conventional heating and cooling systems. If your residential home is supplied by solar power that covers only 50% to 70% of your power needs, the savings are substantial, over a period of time.

Using Professional Help

Depending on the type of solar power chosen, a DIY-er can easily install a home water heating system for around $200. You can opt for systems that can store power in batteries. The stored power can be used later for heating, cooling, cooking, lighting and such other uses. Many DIY-ers are quite creative and use re-cycled materials to set up their own solar power generating systems. This comes at a reduced cost.

However, building your own solar power panels, using re-cycled materials, from online designs carry no guarantee or warranty against performance. Commercially available solar panels, which you choose to install yourself to save money, will still be covered by a warranty.

In case you are all thumbs, you can always use the services of a qualified and licensed professional contractor to set up a solar power system for your residential home. This will, of course, cost more than doing it yourself. THe truth is, it's quite a simple and fun project to take on.

Most people, who install solar power in their residential homes, do it to heat water for their pools. Normally, large roof top arrays of solar photovoltaic panels are installed to heat pool water and provide heated water for other household needs.


Some states even offer rebates, and tax credits. If your solar power system generates more electricity than you can use, it can be fed back into the local power grid and your account credited! Imagine that.. you get paid by the power companies instead of the other way around.

As you can see, the advantages of solar power, by far, out pace its disadvantages. Check out my home solar power review to learn how you can take advantage of solar power for your home.